
Leading with Care: Kathleen Stengel

The Parnassus Group recently came across Kathleen Stengel and her story, a career dedicated to children with developmental disabilities. Her work spans more than 20 years of developing programs around the treatment of these individuals through her expertise in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). She has degrees in both Psychology and Behavior Analysis, but in talking with Kathleen, the role she’s played in this part of healthcare clearly goes far beyond academics.

Leading With Care: Misha Palecek, Davita

Misha Palecek is the Chief Development Officer of a multi-billion dollar healthcare innovator and daily taps into his family and a very personal loss to keep his focus and deepen his perspective

Leading with Care: Corbin Petro

A leader that has traversed the sphere's of the US Senate and a statewide Medicaid agency, Corbin is taking her pragmatic views on earning public trust into population health as CEO of Benevera