
DaVita K2

Value-based care transformation, that required rapid scale at the highest levels

DaVita is one of the largest providers of chronic care services in the U.S. and has been a leader in clinical quality and innovation for more than 20 years. The company serves approximately 203,000 patients per year at 2,815 outpatient care centers, at home, and in the hospital in the United States. The company also operated 339 outpatient dialysis centers in ten countries worldwide. As a highly followed market leader, every investment decision has a broad venue of Wall Street interest.  The most significant deployment of new capital in the past decade involved their full immersion in value-based care.

Situation & Outcomes


This client is one of the largest providers of chronic care services in the U.S. and has been a leader in clinical quality and innovation for more than 20 years. The company serves approximately 203,000 patients per year at 2,815 outpatient care centers, at home, and in the hospital in the United States. The company also operated 339 outpatient dialysis centers in ten countries worldwide. As a highly followed market leader, every investment decision has a broad venue of Wall Street interest.  The most significant deployment of new capital in the past decade involved their full immersion in value-based care.


They had to move to a value based care platforms with significant speed.  The Chief Innovation Officer and the Chief Human Resource Officer reached out to Parnassus for a special project they titled, K2 after the mountain in Karakoram range in Pakistan.

Strategy & Outcomes
  • The Parnassus Group built the leadership team for their VBC success plan making 7 placements into critical roles in 4 months
  • The context for the project required swift movement and a knowing partnership team
  • Parnassus assembled a specialist team in four days, completed the rapid analysis of the client’s strategy to prepare, and began an unprecedented engagement
  • Weekly updates with all senior team leadership of the Client ensured that best-in-class candidates were introduced and integrated into the interview process
  • Speed of impact and quality of result led to a bonus from the client for overperformance